How to find a job in Germany
Labour markets differ from country to country. In this seminar we will have a look at the German labour market: How does it work, and what is important to know? Which pitfalls you should avoid? While looking at its typical characteristics, we are also talking about helpful knowledge in the field of labour market and social law related issues, and where you can find help for special questions in this context. Another important topic is the presentation and discussion of different search channels that help you to find adequate job offers. After this, we are looking at the importance of your personal skills. Knowing about your strengths and weaknesses will definitely help you to find the job offers you are qualified for!
After the seminar…:
Learning Objective 1: Understanding the mechanisms and the functioning of the German labour market.
Learning Objective 2: Transferring information about labour market and social law related issues to one’s personal situation.
Learning Objective 3: Searching for adequate job offers by different search channels (e.g. online, networking, etc.)
Learning Objective 4: Using technics for an individual position determination.
Learning Objective 5: Knowing and assessing the own strengths and weaknesses before applying for jobs.
Preparation: There is nothing to prepare for visting this workshop!
When: Friday, November 10th 2023, 8:00am – 1:00pm
Course language: English
Instructor: Dr. Christina Neeß
Dr. Christina Neeß studied social sciences at the FAU and at Loughborough University (UK). After finishing her diploma degree, she was working as a research assistant at the Chair of Sociology and Empirical Research (especially Labour Market Sociology) as well as in the Career Service Centre of the School of Business, Economics, and Society. There, she provided advise for students in the field of career entry, and was also responsible for the seminar programme. Christina was working in a middle sized enterprise, and also in the coordination of the master programme “Social Economics“ at the FAU: Since 2014 she is also working avocational as a lecturer for the Career Service Centre in Nuremberg.